Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wow Time Sure Does Fly

I registered Parker for Kindergarten today. I just cannot believe he is old enough for that. It seems like just yesterday that he was born. He had so many challenges that he overcame. He had surgery when he was two days old. By the time he was two weeks old, he had been in a helicopter and an ambulance. He points out "his helicopter" every time we see one. He showed his determination and stubbornness from the time he was born. I wouldn't change it for anything, though, because without it, he wouldn't be here. He is our fighter.

However, I am also reminded now that my little Aimee will be entering 3rd grade next year. She has come so far from her crazy, scary start in life. She was born 5 wks early by emergency c-section. She only weighed 4lbs 13oz. Boy has she caught up. She is unstoppable. We sure love our crazy haired, toothless girl!
Okay, so I had to add this pic. I know it's fuzzy, but it is a perfect example of how small our little doll was.
Here's a better one:)

I know that whatever life may hold, we can take it on. We look so forward to another child joining our family. If that child has some struggles, we will be prepared. What an adventure we've had so far. We hope we can add to that soon.

Monday, January 2, 2012


This holiday season was very nice and relaxing. We decided to have a sleepover at my parents' house Christmas Eve. Since they live so close, we try to do Christmas morning at their house every few years. We want them to be able to experience the grandkids opening their presents. The kids loved it. We did a little program and nativity. Each family contributed some talent to the program. Aimee and Parker both played a Christmas song on the piano. My mom and I teach them piano. My little nephew was so cute. He did breakdancing to a upbeat version of a star wars song. He is only 5, so it was really cute. He was so serious about it. We piled into our cars and drove around to look at Christmas lights. We have done that for as long as I can remember. When we were little, and my grandpa was alive, they would come with us. He got banned from sitting back with the kids because of all the "trouble" he would cause. I miss having him around.
Christmas morning, we actually had to wake the kids to open presents. We had church at 11, so we had to make sure we had time for presents before then. They were so excited to see that Santa had still come even though we weren't at our house. They loved their presents. The first couple pictures are wonderful with Aimee in her curlers :) My brother, Jon, is in the second picture with Wyatt.
We did a lot of hanging out at my parents' house this past week. Wyatt has been off of work since the 21st of December. He had to use some vacation time or else he'd lose it. He has to go back to work tomorrow. We have to go back to reality.
We went to my sister's house for part of New Year's Eve. We ate dinner and played some games. It was fun. We got to see fireworks all over the valley as we drove home. It was a lot of fun.

The kids all ready for church on Christmas Day. They are so cute!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well, it's that time of year again. The kids went to visit Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. We were visiting my parents' and my dad told me that Santa was at RC Willey til 4. It was 3:30, but we made it on time. There wasn't even a long line. Aimee and Parker were very excited to see Santa. IT was funny because, as we were leaving, we saw him driving off in a big yellow truck. I explained to the kids that Santa has to have another way around town when there's no snow on the ground. They agreed. Here are the pics of the kids with Santa.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What a great time of year!

I love this time of year. Thanksgiving is a great time to remember all that we are grateful for. I enjoy the few days of no school or work. Our family is just able to enjoy being together. Because Wyatt's family lives so far away, we go to my parents's house for Thanksgiving dinner. only half of the siblings are going to be there this year, but it will still be fun to spend time with those who will be there. We have your traditional dinner with turkey, stuffing, rolls, potatoes, and pie (the best part). I love the leftovers that we have. my favorute thing to do with the leftovers is to make a sandwich on a roll with turkey and swiss cheese. Mmmmm!
Wyatt and I have been very blessed in our lives. We have had our share of bumps in the road, but nothing that hasn't made us stronger or taught us a good lesson.
Here's to an uneventful, wonderful holiday!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


So, I had to post this. I babysit my niece a couple times a week. Parker absolutely adores her. They were "reading" books together while I was picking up the kitchen. He is so good with her, and she loves him to death. Parker is so good with little kids and enjoys helping them do things. He is such a good little helper.
We went to Colorado Springs recently to visit family. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins. As soon as I get the pictures off of my camera, I will post them. It was so nice to get away and relax for a few days.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Welcome To Our Site!

We are hoping that through this site, we may be able to portray a bigger picture of what our family is like. We keep busy, but have lots of fun together. We have great hopes of adding a little miracle to our home.

We went to the Lehi Trafalga recently with some of Liz's family. We had a lot of fun. We have a pass of all passes which allows us unlimited access to a few fun places around utah county. We have had a lot of fun with mini golfing, laser tag, and waterpark fun.